
Para poder participar en los foros, deberás ser jugador dentro del servidor de! Tan solo entra a los Lobbys Principales del servidor y ejecuta el comando /foro [email protected] tupassword (recuerda que debe de ser un email válido para poder confirmar tu cuenta desde ahí).

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What are your segmentations? : Add a language switcher and add English language so that players can understand the server language.
Why do you suggest this?*: To help the players
What would be the benefit of adding this?
Do you have any video or image samples?: no
Any other comments you would like to add: I don't have any.


Vivo aqui
Rango Mercurio
We know that this could increase the accessibility level of the server, but... This is unlikely to happen, as this is tedious and the development team has to translate the server from top to bottom.