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Suggestion for the discord report bot to support embeds

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Rango Júpiter
What's your suggestion?*: Make the discord report bot accept embeds.
Why are you suggesting this?*: So you don't have to upload everytime to youtube. It takes way too much time.
What would be the benefit of adding this?*: You could report more and much faster that way.
Do you have any video/image samples?: No needed.
Other comments you might like to add: No.


Rango Mercurio
Hi. I've been researching the platform and medium you suggest, and it seems to be similar to Youtube.

Apparently, this platform allows the upload of videos much faster and more efficient. So, looking at it that way, it could be very useful when making a report.This being the case, I support the suggestion.

I hope that Administration can review and analyze the possibility of allowing video links from this platform.


Vivo aqui
Rango Mercurio
What's your suggestion?*: Make the discord report bot accept embeds.
Why are you suggesting this?*: So you don't have to upload everytime to youtube. It takes way too much time.
What would be the benefit of adding this?*: You could report more and much faster that way.
Do you have any video/image samples?: No needed.
Other comments you might like to add: No.
It's not a bad idea, also, remember, you can upload the video files to report. Please note that the maximum video size cannot exceed 100MB on the server, if you have Discord Nitro, you can have that limit up to 200MB if you find more information about the cheater using illegal hacks/mods.

What's more, don't forget to use the command that was said before in the server announcements to report a cheater and get him punished.

First, run the command to report a cheater; which is the (/hacksreport <player>), when you see a ''REPORTE'' tag in red with a report ID in the player and tab, start recording him and collect all possible evidence without exceeding 100MB or 200MB (If u're a Discord Nitro Subscriber) of the size, once you finish, send that file intro the Reportes channel with correct formm then, check your DM's to see if the report was sucessfully sent and wait a while.

Please be patient, there can be lots and lots of player reports what staff has to check if these are correctly made after taking some actions to the player what broke the rules. In any case, the reporting bot will inform you if your report was accepted or not.

If you did not understand well? You can re-examine this post! ;)

Don't forget to use a Spanish to English translator.

(By the way, are you from Denmark? I'm very surprised! I hope you have a good time on the forum, and remember, be nice with everyone! ;D)


Rango Júpiter
It's not a bad idea, also, remember, you can upload the video files to report. Please note that the maximum video size cannot exceed 100MB on the server, if you have Discord Nitro, you can have that limit up to 200MB if you find more information about the cheater using illegal hacks/mods.

What's more, don't forget to use the command that was said before in the server announcements to report a cheater and get him punished.

First, run the command to report a cheater; which is the (/hacksreport <player>), when you see a ''REPORTE'' tag in red with a report ID in the player and tab, start recording him and collect all possible evidence without exceeding 100MB or 200MB (If u're a Discord Nitro Subscriber) of the size, once you finish, send that file intro the Reportes channel with correct formm then, check your DM's to see if the report was sucessfully sent and wait a while.

Please be patient, there can be lots and lots of player reports what staff has to check if these are correctly made after taking some actions to the player what broke the rules. In any case, the reporting bot will inform you if your report was accepted or not.

If you did not understand well? You can re-examine this post! ;)

Don't forget to use a Spanish to English translator.

(By the way, are you from Denmark? I'm very surprised! I hope you have a good time on the forum, and remember, be nice with everyone! ;D)
Yeah ik about the files upload and also the new way of reporting players but still thanks ig.
I also dont have any problems with waiting xD. Its just I want it to be easier for me and other people that use medal to report. U clip with one button, upload with another and finally just share with a direct link. Literally 3 buttons.
And yes Im from Denmark, ain't Danish tho. Im also surprised by those replies, very friendly and positive, thought no one is gonna understand and just ignore the post.
Have a great day everyone.
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