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1. fix "no hay mapas disponibles".
2. make maps flat, crooked maps is horrible for pvp, especially combo/boxing modes, it doesn't make any sense. Every one of my minemenclub friends that tried play here was making fun of these maps.
3. why it takes so long to come back to lobby after you kill someone? lower the timeout to comeback to lobby, or add a hotbar item to comeback to lobby instantly (something like pikanetwork does).
4. would be better to make less lobbies and add more players limits (like 250). After the update, everyone plays parkour/fireball and others similar random games, and you spent a lot of minutes trying to queue someone on other gamemodes (something like gapple or nodebuff). Especially ranked!
5. if possible, add a way to see other players inventory after your kill them, its useful especially when playing nodebuff. (everyone who plays nodebuff miss this).

That is a constructive criticism to make praticepvp decent and fun for everyone, hope the devs can get this tasks done for the happiness to everybody.

have a good day.


Miembro del staff
Administrador ✯
Good afternoon,

You are right on several points, we are going to make some changes to make this more enjoyable to play and fix certain problems.

As of now, we've implemented 1. 3. and 5. It is planned to implement 2. as soon as possible.

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