¿Cuál es tu sugerencia?
Kit Místico (Skywars) is now available for everyone to buy if they have enough unicoins. In my honest opinion, this kit should've been nerfed a long time ago and now it's just impossible to have fun playing the game. Every single player wants to use it because of how overpowered it is, starting off almost full diamond + enchantments.
¿Por qué sugieres esto?
Removing a couple of the features included in the kit, the diamond leggings for example, should balance with all other kits. If this doesn't happen, normal skywars will be doomed! It's out of control.
¿Cuál sería el beneficio de añadir esto?
Some players will complain, others will be relieved. What we need is balance, that's all.
Thanks for taking your time to read my suggestion.
Kit Místico (Skywars) is now available for everyone to buy if they have enough unicoins. In my honest opinion, this kit should've been nerfed a long time ago and now it's just impossible to have fun playing the game. Every single player wants to use it because of how overpowered it is, starting off almost full diamond + enchantments.
¿Por qué sugieres esto?
Removing a couple of the features included in the kit, the diamond leggings for example, should balance with all other kits. If this doesn't happen, normal skywars will be doomed! It's out of control.
¿Cuál sería el beneficio de añadir esto?
Some players will complain, others will be relieved. What we need is balance, that's all.
Thanks for taking your time to read my suggestion.