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Místico is too OP, please nerf.


Miembro Activo
Rango Júpiter
¿Cuál es tu sugerencia?
Kit Místico (Skywars) is now available for everyone to buy if they have enough unicoins. In my honest opinion, this kit should've been nerfed a long time ago and now it's just impossible to have fun playing the game. Every single player wants to use it because of how overpowered it is, starting off almost full diamond + enchantments.

¿Por qué sugieres esto?
Removing a couple of the features included in the kit, the diamond leggings for example, should balance with all other kits. If this doesn't happen, normal skywars will be doomed! It's out of control.

¿Cuál sería el beneficio de añadir esto?
Some players will complain, others will be relieved. What we need is balance, that's all.

Thanks for taking your time to read my suggestion.


Rango Júpiter
¿Cuál es tu sugerencia?
Kit Místico (Skywars) is now available for everyone to buy if they have enough unicoins. In my honest opinion, this kit should've been nerfed a long time ago and now it's just impossible to have fun playing the game. Every single player wants to use it because of how overpowered it is, starting off almost full diamond + enchantments.

¿Por qué sugieres esto?
Removing a couple of the features included in the kit, the diamond leggings for example, should balance with all other kits. If this doesn't happen, normal skywars will be doomed! It's out of control.

¿Cuál sería el beneficio de añadir esto?
Some players will complain, others will be relieved. What we need is balance, that's all.

Thanks for taking your time to read my suggestion.
Na, ahora esta mejor, cada uno necesita esforzarse hasta conseguir cierta cantidad de coins, yo ya lo tengo, y no es pay to win ahora


Miembro del staff
Rango Saturno ⦿
At least now that it's available for anyone to purchase it can no longer be considered pay to win.


Vivo aqui
Rango Júpiter
¿Cuál es tu sugerencia?
El Kit Místico (Skywars) ahora está disponible para todos si tienen la cantidad suficientes de UniCoins para comprarlo. En mi opinión, este kit debería haber sido nerfeado hace mucho tiempo, pues ahora es imposible divertirse en el juego. Cada jugador quiere usarlo por lo chetado que está, empezando con un casi full diamante con encantamientos.

¿Por qué sugieres esto?
Removiendo unas cuantas cosas del kit, por ejemplo, los pantalones de diamante, debería ayudar a balancearlo con otros kits. Donde no hagan esto, Skywars estará en la perdición.

¿Cuál sería el beneficio de añadir esto?
Algunos jugadores odiarán esto, pero otros estarán felices. Necesitamos balance, eso es todo.

Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi sugerencia.
debería haber un 100% de probabilidad de tener armadura mínimo full hierro en tus cofres porque si no tienes kit y te sale cota te sacan mucha ventaja los que usan el kit


Vivo aqui
Rango Mercurio
¿Cuál es tu sugerencia?
Kit Místico (Skywars) is now available for everyone to buy if they have enough unicoins. In my honest opinion, this kit should've been nerfed a long time ago and now it's just impossible to have fun playing the game. Every single player wants to use it because of how overpowered it is, starting off almost full diamond + enchantments.

¿Por qué sugieres esto?
Removing a couple of the features included in the kit, the diamond leggings for example, should balance with all other kits. If this doesn't happen, normal skywars will be doomed! It's out of control.

¿Cuál sería el beneficio de añadir esto?
Some players will complain, others will be relieved. What we need is balance, that's all.

Thanks for taking your time to read my suggestion.

Hello there!

From my point of view, it actually wouldn't hurt if this one received a slight nerf to be able to balance some games, especially in Skywars Speed using Normal chests. Since it could get to a point that this can become a big nuisance in all ranked games by having equipment that helps you survive better than anyone else to easily win with an advantage.

I would personally recommend removing some enchantments to make it as balanced as possible after this change that was made to the game in the most recent patch.


Miembro Activo
Rango Júpiter
Hello there!

From my point of view, it actually wouldn't hurt if this one received a slight nerf to be able to balance some games, especially in Skywars Speed using Normal chests. Since it could get to a point that this can become a big nuisance in all ranked games by having equipment that helps you survive better than anyone else to easily win with an advantage.

I would personally recommend removing some enchantments to make it as balanced as possible after this change that was made to the game in the most recent patch.
Precisely! I'm really glad there are people who agree with me.