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[EN] Hello, world


Miembro Activo
Rango Júpiter
Howdy partners,

My IGN is Cattleman and this is my very first post on the forums.

It is nice to meet everyone of you! I'll be around as often as I can.

I am Matheus Lambert, 22 y/o, from Brazil.
Former military (Brazilian Army)

I'll be also uploading videos on UniversoCraft soon.
You can find my social media on here.

Leave a comment, I'll answer everyone!


Miembro Activo
Rango Neptuno
Hey! welcome to the Universocraft Forum , nice to meet u too

I hope u have a good time in the server.

Read the rules and enjoy ur stay.

(woa Brazilian army? interesting, i dunno)

Atte. Talka


Vivo aqui
Rango Júpiter
Sinceramente, no veo necesario que escribas en inglés, el portugués y español son lenguas parecidas, y por eso mismo estoy escribiendo es español.

Anyways, have a nice day


Miembro Activo
Rango Júpiter
Sinceramente, no veo necesario que escribas en inglés, el portugués y español son lenguas parecidas, y por eso mismo estoy escribiendo es español.

Anyways, have a nice day

Yes, I know they're very similar languages but I don't feel like being misunderstood due to certain words that look the same but have different meanings.

Have a nice one!