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5 TIPS to get BETTER at Skywars


Miembro Activo
Rango Júpiter
Hello, I'm Cattleman! ;)

Here are 5 tips you NEED to WIN on Skywars!

1. Get angry as often as you can!
When you get angry, your chances of winning a game is increased by 200%.

2. Be friendly.
Once you find a friendly player on Solo, right-click with your sword and team up against others.

3. DON'T GO to the middle of the map!
You will not find any good resources there, stay in your island.

4. Slow bridging.
No need to rush. Your enemies always wait until you get from point A to B.

5. Fight players with better armor and weapon than you!
When you don't have good armor or weapon, fight someone who has a full diamond.
Usually players admire you and are scared due to your courage!

Thank you guys for reading this, I hope this helps! :D

Última edición:
5. Fight players with better armor and weapon than you!
When you don't have good armor or weapon, fight someone who has a full diamond.
Usually players admire you and are scared due to your courage!
When voy full diamond al centro para matar a un noob but me tira al vacio:
Última edición:


Vivo aqui
Rango Mercurio
I always rush to the middle when Overpowered chests are active, has the best items, it's risky, but i always do it.


Rango Júpiter
Hello, I'm Cattleman! ;)

Here are 5 tips you NEED to WIN on Skywars!

1. Get angry as often as you can!
When you get angry, your chances of winning a game is increased by 200%.

2. Be friendly.
Once you find a friendly player on Solo, right-click with your sword and team up against others.

3. DON'T GO to the middle of the map!
You will not find any good resources there, stay in your island.

4. Slow bridging.
No need to rush. Your enemies always wait until you get from point A to B.

5. Fight players with better armor and weapon than you!
When you don't have good armor or weapon, fight someone who has a full diamond.
Usually players admire you and are scared due to your courage!

Thank you guys for reading this, I hope this helps! :D

Ver el archivo adjunto 19721
Best post i've seen in a long time :LOL: