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Resultados de búsqueda

  1. Cattleman

    Místico is too OP, please nerf.

    That would be incredibly sad and funny to watch. XD I'm wondering whether Universo's staff cares about it or not. :cautious:
  2. Cattleman

    Místico is too OP, please nerf.

    Precisely! I'm really glad there are people who agree with me.
  3. Cattleman

    Místico is too OP, please nerf.

    I understand what you are trying to say, I also have it. Although it's easy to get it, none of the kits should be this overpower. :confused:
  4. Cattleman

    Místico is too OP, please nerf.

    ¿Cuál es tu sugerencia? Kit Místico (Skywars) is now available for everyone to buy if they have enough unicoins. In my honest opinion, this kit should've been nerfed a long time ago and now it's just impossible to have fun playing the game. Every single player wants to use it because of how...
  5. Cattleman

    Playing Skywars on UniversoCraft (shaders on)

    Yup, don't rush into buying things that might give you problems in the future. Search for everything very well so you don't need to worry later!
  6. Cattleman

    Playing Skywars on UniversoCraft (shaders on)

    In this video I'm using Chocapic13 V7.1.1 Toaster Edition, it's pretty good and not heavy at all! I'm sure you're going to love playing with it when you get your new PC! :D
  7. Cattleman


    Hello :) Welcome to the forums!
  8. Cattleman

    Playing Skywars on UniversoCraft (shaders on)

    Here's my first "test" video, I'm still trying to fix a couple things (sounds, video quality and different content). If you have any tips, please tell me :)
  9. Cattleman

    Presentación :)

    Welcome to the forums :)
  10. Cattleman

    Denme un consejo

    Hello, good evening! Have you tried talking to him about this situation? Have a conversation with him and try to understand what is happening to him. Perhaps he's just having problems at home and is trying to get rid of anger somehow. Anyway, I'd say you should consider making new friends...
  11. Cattleman

    Mi presentacion (Regreso)

    Welcome back bro :)
  12. Cattleman

    No problem my man, it happens. Honestly, I usually don't even look at the date, I gotta be more...

    No problem my man, it happens. Honestly, I usually don't even look at the date, I gotta be more careful.
  13. Cattleman

    5 TIPS to get BETTER at Skywars

    Thank you <3 :ROFLMAO:
  14. Cattleman

    Hola comunidad de universocraft! Me presento...

    Its purpose hasn't been fulfilled. I'm just saying welcome to a new member. I'm such a monster, aren't I? I'm not using Spanish as well. Report me and let the moderators ban me then. :)
  15. Cattleman

    Hola comunidad de universocraft! Me presento...

    Well, that math doesn't quite add up, this post is 10 days old. :unsure:
  16. Cattleman

    𝑄𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛 𝑑𝑒 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑎 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎 𝑑𝑒 𝑅𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑒𝑛 𝑆𝑘𝑦𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑠

    It doesn't always work, although it seems pretty cool when it does.:D After practicing this for a while then it's very efficient.
  17. Cattleman

    Hola comunidad de universocraft! Me presento...

    Welcome to the forums David! :)
  18. Cattleman

    5 TIPS to get BETTER at Skywars

    Hello, I'm Cattleman! ;) Here are 5 tips you NEED to WIN on Skywars! 1. Get angry as often as you can! When you get angry, your chances of winning a game is increased by 200%. 2. Be friendly. Once you find a friendly player on Solo...
  19. Cattleman

    Brasileiro é bicho difícil de não achar. :P

    Brasileiro é bicho difícil de não achar. :P