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Resultados de búsqueda

  1. Cattleman

    Místico is too OP, please nerf.

    ¿Cuál es tu sugerencia? Kit Místico (Skywars) is now available for everyone to buy if they have enough unicoins. In my honest opinion, this kit should've been nerfed a long time ago and now it's just impossible to have fun playing the game. Every single player wants to use it because of how...
  2. Cattleman

    Playing Skywars on UniversoCraft (shaders on)

    Here's my first "test" video, I'm still trying to fix a couple things (sounds, video quality and different content). If you have any tips, please tell me :)
  3. Cattleman

    5 TIPS to get BETTER at Skywars

    Hello, I'm Cattleman! ;) Here are 5 tips you NEED to WIN on Skywars! 1. Get angry as often as you can! When you get angry, your chances of winning a game is increased by 200%. 2. Be friendly. Once you find a friendly player on Solo...
  4. Cattleman

    Skywars Map?!

    Potions 12 player map. Designed by Cattleman :cool: .
  5. Cattleman

    Gungame ["New" Gamemode]

    Hello, my suggestion is for Gungame to be added as a new gamemode! Suggestion for maps: Simple constructions and bridges, with the possibility for players to go back into a safe area (spawn). A lot of water in gaps and around the map, thus whenever a player touches the water, they'd die...
  6. Cattleman

    [EN] Hello, world

    Howdy partners, My IGN is Cattleman and this is my very first post on the forums. It is nice to meet everyone of you! I'll be around as often as I can. I am Matheus Lambert, 22 y/o, from Brazil. Former military (Brazilian Army) I'll be also uploading videos on UniversoCraft...