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Resultados de búsqueda

  1. Cattleman

    Skywars Map?!

    I'm okay with your opinion, dude. Make yourself at home 🏠
  2. Cattleman

    Skywars Map?!

    Alright then :unsure:
  3. Cattleman

    Skywars Map?!

  4. Cattleman

    [EN] Hello, world

    Thank you, nice to meet you too. :cool:
  5. Cattleman

    Usually people who behave like this are not happy. Don't worry haha XD

    Usually people who behave like this are not happy. Don't worry haha XD
  6. Cattleman


    ¡Buenas tardes! No creo que haya una manera de hacer lo que quieres. Debido al hecho de que los foros tienen su propia forma de codificar su escritura (por ejemplo, el tamaño de las fuentes y los colores). Lo siento :(
  7. Cattleman

    Soy nuevo en el foro, ¿Que me recomiendas hacer para empezar/evitar problemas con usuarios?

    If you're new, welcome! This is a great community and there are lots of people trying to help each other in here, others not so much. Either way, I suggest you read the guidelines! Most important thing is common sense as said above. Just don't say anything that can offend people, put yourself in...
  8. Cattleman


    Hello, good morning. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to DM if you have any questions you want to ask. I'll be glad to help you. Have a good day! :cool:
  9. Cattleman


    Howdy, partner. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay. Make sure to read the guidelines and follow them so you don't get banned or anything. If you need anything you can contact me. :cool: Have a good one!
  10. Cattleman

    Skywars Map?!

    Thank you very much! :D
  11. Cattleman

    Efectos de victoria exclusivos para el top mensual

    It seems interesting. I'd like this to be added. Perhaps, a temporary VIP set for the entire next season?! Could be nice too. :p
  12. Cattleman

    Skywars Map?!

    Wow, I swear I had never noticed that it was a potions map. Thanks for letting me know. :eek: As I said before, I made it because I was bored, from scratch. Not a copy-paste and has never been used anywhere else. Just wanted to share what I was doing off the server. Anyways, thanks for the...
  13. Cattleman

    [EN] Hello, world

    Thank you both! :D
  14. Cattleman

    Rango del servidor

    Boa noite João! Acredito que tenha aberto no tópico errado, aqui é para poder se apresentar. Me manda mensagem no privado, talvez consiga te ajudar de uma forma melhor.
  15. Cattleman

    ¿Puedo cambiar mi nick sin perder mi rango?

    Hello Gabriel! I believe if you DON'T have a premium account, then yes. Otherwise, you should be just fine changing your nickname. ;)
  16. Cattleman

    [EN] Hello, world

    Thanks! Yes, I know they're very similar languages but I don't feel like being misunderstood due to certain words that look the same but have different meanings. Have a nice one!
  17. Cattleman

    Skywars Map?!

    Well, I do play there. More than I should actually. I just don't pay attention to the maps so much. :LOL:
  18. Cattleman

    Skywars Map?!

    Is there a Potions map currently? Either way, I was just bored and decided to build something. :ROFLMAO:
  19. Cattleman

    Skywars Map?!

    Potions 12 player map. Designed by Cattleman :cool: .
  20. Cattleman

    Fomentar los idiomas en Universocraft.

    Honestly, I wish they had already done this! We need this translation, AT LEAST, in English. I can speak both English and Portuguese, but not Spanish. It'd be great if they thought about ''gringos'' :LOL: Support your suggestion! (y)